Sunday, 26 May 2013

Selling and sold stuff.

Kijiji is great, if you need to get rid of something, or need something for yourself, or are just bored and wanna window shop you can do it for hours, yes and make yourself feel bad by looking at all the pets available because "we are moving and cannot have our dog anymore" grow a pair would ya, I thought dogs were part of the family. I haven't rented a place for a long while, but last I heard you cannot be evicted because you have pets. Either way I won't get into that. 
We have been trying to make room in the house and garage. We just have way too much stuff, I was able to get rid of  a CRT TV, huge friggin wall unit for the CRT TV, stereo and speakers, Motorcycle, refrigerator, Tires and Rims. I have more tires a rims too if you need em please buy em off me. Either way if you want to get rid of things price them right you can get rid of it fast. You are trying to get rid of it don't be greedy and it will go quickly. again just another post to talk about myself. sorry.

I wrote this before the murder of Tim Bosma, just a reminder please be careful when selling items if you are meeting new people. Don't let them into your house, if you can show your wares outside of the house it is always better or make sure you have someone else in the house with you or in my case a very vocal dog, all my items are shown on my front porch, in my front veranda, or in the middle of my driveway. Having nosy neighbours helps plenty too.

Either Way Hit the Gas

Peace I'm Out

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