Wednesday 12 March 2014

if my name was Rosemary

If my name was Rosemary it would be kind of weird, not in the bad sense, I would get funny looks "Hi, my name is Rosemary." Especially in my line of work, and being a dude. But maybe it would be a 'boy named Sue' type of scenario. I would have grown up with gravel in my guy and spit in my eye. I mean I love my name I have now, and I did have to learn to be tough, being called Jessica from kindergarden to even still people think it's funny now. I learned, 'my fists got hard and my wits got keen'. But Rosemary would have gotten me in more trouble.

 On to what this is really about FOOD!.... Easy peasy, lemon squeasy.

Roasted Veg. and Rosemary.

 4 cloves of Garlic
 1 Onion
4 small to medium Potatoes
4 Carrots
4 smallish to medium Beets
2 Sweet Potatoes
Salt n Peppa Rosemary
natural sunlight from the back door made this glow.

 Cut all your Veg. Around the same size varying dimensions are not an issue, make it fun and easy don't be worried about it, it's just food and it goes into your belly. Crush Garlic leave in skin.
 Add everything in a 13x9 pan, oven@ 400°, drizzle olive oil all over those suckers, add as much salt and pepper as you want. I like pepper so I make sure there is lots every piece, same with Rosemary, Mix it all up, use your hands its fun. Put in the oven, dish uncovered, for 45 mins, stir the veg in the pan after 25mins/halfway. done when all veg is cooked.

Lack of sun made this photo terrible.

I will post pictures soon. This has been sitting for a while and I haven't actually made this in a while so I couldn't take pictures, don't get mad at me, I am too damn awesome.

Peace I'm OUT

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