Friday 14 March 2014

Chicken Hawk

I was waiting for a customer at a job site yesterday when this fella swooped in. He landed on a tree close to my truck. I have been trying to remember to keep my camera in my truck, just in case something like this happens. I have had many times when I wanted and needed to take a photo and the camera on my phone just does not cut it. So I was lucky this time.

Coopers Hawk, lesser known as the chicken hawk, which actually deemed them a nuisance. Though they rarely would go after chickens, since they are not much larger than a chicken.

Kept on looking around and not towards me, so I would whistle, he would spin his head around and look around trying to find the victim. They are agile flyers, and hunt in wooden areas through the forest looking for small song birds, that they catch in flight. They kill their pray by squeezing while in flight. Danger to the poor birds at bird feeders in your backyard. 
I am assuming his feathers are all fluffed up because it was cold out, -15C. Those eyes adults have red eyes, good key for identifying this raptor.
I whistled again and I was spotted. He had a good gaze on me for a while, he was probably pissed and wanted to rip my eyes out, customer showed up perfect time to get back to work.

Coopers Hawk, I was honoured to be in your presence.

Pretty cool, maybe you don't think so, but maybe your also lame.

Peace I'm out.

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