Saturday, 31 May 2014

Day of the Gardening

So we have spent a few days planting our tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, flowers, weeding the gardens, and the community garden beds while weeding our garlic bed found this pretty little moth.

Good? Bad? I don't know but I left it there.
Salt Marsh Moth apparently, I looked it up could be wrong.

Thursday, 29 May 2014


I have been bad at this lately, I have not written a thing in quite awhile now.

First off gardens are coming together, back yard is a mess, big circle fenced off from the dogs trying to grow some grass there, and trying to get grass in the front also, its full of weeds, I don't really like grass I think its rather stupid why would you put something on your property that you constantly have to work at and spend your hard earned money for a fancy lawn mower, grass seed, time and energy. But that is what people want and if you want to sell your home you gotta make it look the way people want it. People are stupid..............

Second off...... i will get to the second later.

Well that's that. Peace I'm out.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Wow its been a while

I haven't written anything in a while, been busy at home and worth. Not a whole lot of time to sit around.

But everything is green and starting to bloom. My pretty little lady friend got up early and decided to go get some Lilacs, they are beautiful and smell awesome.