Wednesday, 5 November 2014


What is the most stressful thing i have done in my 29 years of living. No it wasn't going to college and stressing out about grades it wasn't about my life choices in what i was going to do as a career, its not getting certified for my present job title, its not doing further training to solidify me as a valuable employee, it wasn't flying for the first time last week, and it isn't driving through the big smoke while under time restraints downtown during rush hour traffic.

I am a pretty relaxed fella so i like to think, my Mum says I get that from her and that its my Dad who is the worrier (that is apparently where my brother gets it, neither of them will like that i wrote that, you know what i say to that F-em). So ya i like to think im pretty chill, don't get to bent out of shape over things remain calm under pressure and all that jazz. But what has bothered me as of late, and actually made me feel stressed out, Is buying a fucking house I tell ya its stupid and bothersome trying to organize all this stuff paper work, lawyers, mortgage people at the bank and Real estate agent well hes good shit, he doesn't bother me at all, hes done his job and hes done it pretty well for two years..... we are picky and aren't under a time restraint. And the home inspector, hes good too I like him pretty friggin blunt and on point for everything he has thought about the house and what we can do, and up for suggestions and such, and friggin report on the house emailed the night of the home inspection.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

bi-cycle, bicycle

Its a thing,

Two wheels, frame, human is the prime mover, has gears multiple or two, handlebars.

I went on a little trip with my neighbour. Along the Trans Canada Trail, from Lindsay to Campbellford. It was fun, I was surprised at how well I was doing, though it got a little tougher once we hit the 82 or 84 km mark my legs didn't seem to want to go any further. Took a couple extra breaks.

I thought something was rubbing on my rear wheel maybe the brakes or or maybe something from my saddlebags(panniers) but nope totally just my legs telling the to F-off.

Got the Campbellford, got to the motel, showered changed and had a Burger at The Bridge Eatery and Public House, pretty fancy little spot for a small town, the burger was awesome, and the specials sounded long winded but fantastic(sign of a good place right?), but I just really wanted a burg.

Had three beers and that about did me in, fell asleep watching The Simpsons or some stupid discovery show thing about cars.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

NO POO: Hair cleaning, Degreasing, Deodorizing.


Baking Soda

Hair Care

Gross.(not really though)

I have been washing my hair for that last 2 years give or take a few months, with Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar.

I have tried this method off and on a few times, with long hair and short hair. Works better for me with short hair, as it fried my long hair but that could have been the way I was doing it.

The first few times I kept a container of dry baking soda in the shower just dumped a little in my hand and added enough water to make a paste. Then tried to evenly distribute it through my long locks. That fried my hair, I gave up after a few try's.

Then I cut my hair and donated my pony tail to Locks of Love for wigs for children, it made my heart feel good.

Well then I tried it again with short hair same process, made a mess of my hair again. Gave up again! F-this noise I tells ya.

So I did some more research, and I can't remember if I followed someone elses idea or plans or if I just made them up myself, in this case pffff, I made them up myself, "those who dout me........" add your own profanities, expletives this is family friendly... Well I try. It's a quote from the HBO show Deadwood, you get my drift, It has a lot of swearing in it, and crude comments, it is fantastic.

So we found some glass jars with cork style lids at a yard sale or thrift store or someplace like that.

The tools and ingredients - water
 For the baking soda I take a little more than a handful of baking soda load that into jar then add water to fill the jar put the lid on shake it up.

Then for the Apple Cider Vinegar, I fill up the jar 1/3 up then top off with water, put the lid on, shake.
The How To, NoPoo
This method has been working very well for me the last two years. Now your supposed to be able to ween yourself off of this stuff, when your hair starts "naturally" cleaning itself, I have never gotten to that point my hair gets pretty gross if I don't wash it for more then two days. I thinks its all a load of what? you may ask your self, BULL, ya maybe if you don't do to much with your day and sit around in an extremely Air conditioned building then you might be able to get away with weening your self off. Me? no I'm in the heat and humidity too much, just doesn't seem plausible.
Final product with its relatives

Now these two containers last me about 3 showers a piece, I don't use the Vinegar wash every time, just like you don't use conditioner every time, unless you do then go for it. 

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Day of the Gardening

So we have spent a few days planting our tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, flowers, weeding the gardens, and the community garden beds while weeding our garlic bed found this pretty little moth.

Good? Bad? I don't know but I left it there.
Salt Marsh Moth apparently, I looked it up could be wrong.

Thursday, 29 May 2014


I have been bad at this lately, I have not written a thing in quite awhile now.

First off gardens are coming together, back yard is a mess, big circle fenced off from the dogs trying to grow some grass there, and trying to get grass in the front also, its full of weeds, I don't really like grass I think its rather stupid why would you put something on your property that you constantly have to work at and spend your hard earned money for a fancy lawn mower, grass seed, time and energy. But that is what people want and if you want to sell your home you gotta make it look the way people want it. People are stupid..............

Second off...... i will get to the second later.

Well that's that. Peace I'm out.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Wow its been a while

I haven't written anything in a while, been busy at home and worth. Not a whole lot of time to sit around.

But everything is green and starting to bloom. My pretty little lady friend got up early and decided to go get some Lilacs, they are beautiful and smell awesome.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Unwrapping the layers

Peeling back the layers one by one of matted straw and leaves to reveal the ground with all the critters and bugs vacating for the season, worms, millipedes, beetles and the little mouse highway zigzagging and around and around, pulled the roof off all that fun to bring my garlic to the light. checked them out a few days ago, they were busting through the layers of mulch just raring to go. So I went to assist, took the layers off that were weighing them down. There were a few that were struggling to get through, got a little bit of a bend to them. The larger cloves must of gotten a shove out with the frost, they were sticking straight up on top of the ground pushed them back in and covered the clove with the earth. almost all of them seemed to have sprouted, but I found another one laying on its side not in any of the rows so I put that one in the place of a dud that was rotted when I dug it out. We re-mulched with straw and are hoping for the best.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Stick in the pit

So I have all this beeswax which smells awesome every time I walk past it. So I thought to myself what else can I do with this stuff, I have already made a ton of candles, now to try something new. I work in a field that is at times physically demanding, or can be really hot and humid, being in boiler rooms or on top of office towers in the sun. I have tried many "natural", environmentaly friendly deodorants, and they don't really help in the curbing the under arm smell department, unless I apply it multiple times through out the day but that is just not practical for me.... cause I just don't want to do it, really. I am a pretty low maintenance fella.

I read a few instructional  blogs on the matter. found a couple that I liked. I started simple, didn't want to have to go out and buy a shit ton of stuff if it wasn't going to work, the only thing I had to buy was arrow root powder, and baking soda but that's because we ran out. So I made it, let it solidify overnight, and used it the next day for work instead of my Olde Spice, well it was hard, like really hard and sticky felt like it was ripping out hair, got back home after work, which was a good test day in a boiler room, doing a repair and having to carry stuff up a couple flights of stairs. And it worked I was surprised I had my doubts. So I came home melted the sticks back down added more coconut oil and a few drops of castor oil so the sticks weren't so hard and sticky. It is still a bit sticky for my liking, next batch I will try a different recipe with cocoa butter or shea butter, to make it a little more smooth. I am going to buy some more essential oils to add to the deodorant I am thinking Sandalwood, Cedarwood and a small amount of Tea Tree oil. Right now I have the last few drops from my bottle of Lemon oil, and a couple drops of citronella, It doesn't smell terrible but it could smell better.

Instructions and directions when I perfect this stuff. I want to try one more batch and then make a judgement, on what the best way to do it is.
And This is what I put them in left over deodorant containers, worked out beauty. 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

I learned a new word

This world has a lot of languages and I can speak two, English, and bad English. Thank you Bruce Willis.

But the word is Sublimation; 

Sublimation (phase transition) - Like when snow evaporates, solid into a gas skips the liquid form.
      That is the way I learned it this morning.

Sublimation (psychology) - To express (socially or personally unacceptable impulses, specif. sexual impulses) in constructive, acceptable forms, often unconsciously.
        The way I used it today, which I didn't realize that it really did have two definitions, till I looked it up.

The English Language fucking people up for centuries.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Chicken Hawk

I was waiting for a customer at a job site yesterday when this fella swooped in. He landed on a tree close to my truck. I have been trying to remember to keep my camera in my truck, just in case something like this happens. I have had many times when I wanted and needed to take a photo and the camera on my phone just does not cut it. So I was lucky this time.

Coopers Hawk, lesser known as the chicken hawk, which actually deemed them a nuisance. Though they rarely would go after chickens, since they are not much larger than a chicken.

Kept on looking around and not towards me, so I would whistle, he would spin his head around and look around trying to find the victim. They are agile flyers, and hunt in wooden areas through the forest looking for small song birds, that they catch in flight. They kill their pray by squeezing while in flight. Danger to the poor birds at bird feeders in your backyard. 
I am assuming his feathers are all fluffed up because it was cold out, -15C. Those eyes adults have red eyes, good key for identifying this raptor.
I whistled again and I was spotted. He had a good gaze on me for a while, he was probably pissed and wanted to rip my eyes out, customer showed up perfect time to get back to work.

Coopers Hawk, I was honoured to be in your presence.

Pretty cool, maybe you don't think so, but maybe your also lame.

Peace I'm out.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

if my name was Rosemary

If my name was Rosemary it would be kind of weird, not in the bad sense, I would get funny looks "Hi, my name is Rosemary." Especially in my line of work, and being a dude. But maybe it would be a 'boy named Sue' type of scenario. I would have grown up with gravel in my guy and spit in my eye. I mean I love my name I have now, and I did have to learn to be tough, being called Jessica from kindergarden to even still people think it's funny now. I learned, 'my fists got hard and my wits got keen'. But Rosemary would have gotten me in more trouble.

 On to what this is really about FOOD!.... Easy peasy, lemon squeasy.

Roasted Veg. and Rosemary.

 4 cloves of Garlic
 1 Onion
4 small to medium Potatoes
4 Carrots
4 smallish to medium Beets
2 Sweet Potatoes
Salt n Peppa Rosemary
natural sunlight from the back door made this glow.

 Cut all your Veg. Around the same size varying dimensions are not an issue, make it fun and easy don't be worried about it, it's just food and it goes into your belly. Crush Garlic leave in skin.
 Add everything in a 13x9 pan, oven@ 400°, drizzle olive oil all over those suckers, add as much salt and pepper as you want. I like pepper so I make sure there is lots every piece, same with Rosemary, Mix it all up, use your hands its fun. Put in the oven, dish uncovered, for 45 mins, stir the veg in the pan after 25mins/halfway. done when all veg is cooked.

Lack of sun made this photo terrible.

I will post pictures soon. This has been sitting for a while and I haven't actually made this in a while so I couldn't take pictures, don't get mad at me, I am too damn awesome.

Peace I'm OUT

Monday, 17 February 2014

Friday, 31 January 2014

I am alive

 "Most people Die at 25 and aren't buried until their 75" - Benjamin Franklin

"I am here not by choice but by my birth for so many years 
I doubted my own worth it's no coincidence 
I ended up where I'm at now I'm here to tell you that 
You can't kick me out 'cause I'm a permanent part of this society 
The blackest sheep agmonst a crowd of them 
I'm not the glue that holds this scene together but 
I have arrived here by way of dirty looks and rejection, and head scratching shrink 
And frustrated parents and teachers just like so many did before me and will after me 
go ahead and laugh at me you can afford to laugh 
I can't 'cause this is all I have I'm not proud I'm not ashamed 
But this is all I have and it's good enough for me 
And I am through following your truth 
I'm making my own rules" - Ben Weasel(Screeching Weasel)

On the Lake beside where I was working.

 I worked in Dorset, ON not UK yesterday. There is something about up there north of Haliburton, it's beautiful, quiet when its not tourist season (I'm a tourist). I love it up there, I could spend many a days up there killing time. There are a few gems, Looking out the tower over the land and lakes is pretty neat.
Dorset, from the tower.
The wild life, have yet to see a Moose. I haven't seen a Moose in 15 years maybe more, I have been keeping my eyes open for em.

Caught on the side of the road between Baysville and Dorset.
There is a little place on the way up there, called Cafe Diem in Norland, good eat, delicious treats, and good coffees. Lake of Bays Brewery in Baysville is my favorite place to stop, make detours on my way home from job sites just to get the seasonal brews and fill up my Growler with Spark House Red Ale. Another place in Baysville, Miss Nells, Antiques and Cafe. I wish I could live up there, but I don't know how I could afford it, and we would be really far away from our families.
Sharing the beauty, with my pretty little lady.
and Looking fucking good, up against some old gowth.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

I am a Pillar of my Community

See what I did there in the title...... oh well because I have been making Pillar candles, it really isn't as funny when you have to explain it. I'm sorry.

Since filtering of the Bees wax has occurred, candles I have been making. Actually I have been making candles since before the wax was filtered I am that impatient, but so far so good..... I have been learning from my mistakes.

Making dipped taper candles is the easiest way to make a candle, but the most time consuming and the ugliest if you don't know what your doing.

I have been experimenting with different mediums for molds and how as to keep the wick centred. Two of the sizes I have been playing with seem to be working out well. I need a few more different sizes of wicks and molds to try out. This has been fun and because of this we have been burning candles everyday.

I have since run out of wax need to go make another purchase and start filtering again, I have given away all our 2" and 1.5". So I need to make some more, then I can take pictures for the Burning Wax! Tips post I wrote up earlier, so go check it out and if I haven't put up pics then check it out in about a week or two, after I get myself some more wax.

I have on order some more sizes of wicks, to try and make some better tapers, the smaller size I have is still too large, causing to hot of a flame and they are dripping which is a no-no.

Peace back to doing house stuff... lame

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Burning Wax! Tips

This is a quick tips guide for burning candles; what I have learned and found about burning beeswax candles. I use most of these tricks while burning my candles and testing them.

The wick on your candle when new is going to be longer than 1/4".  Before you light the wick, cut it down to 1/4" (about 4 pennies stacked... oh we don't use pennies anymore okay well then 3 nickels stacked, or 5 dimes or 4 quarters equal 1/4"). When lighting the candle, light at the base of the wick to help soften the wax and/or melt it so that the wick has fuel to burn. A wick works as a siphon. When there is a hot pool of wax around a lit wick, the heat from the flame draws wax up the wick and it is used for fuel to create light and more heat. The wick is still burnt but much slower then the wax. If lighting the wick from the tip you will burn more of the wick before it has a chance to create a pool of wax to feed from.

When deciding to burn a candle, estimate the time the candle will be burnt for (how long is the candle going to be lit). That's when you can choose what size of candle you should light. A candle that has time to make a pool of wax right to the edge, or with in an 1/4 - 1/8" of the edge, is a candle that is burning properly. A candle that only has time to make a small pool of wax around the wick, is a candle that is going to tunnel.
Oh no my candle is tunneling, don't worry we can fix it.

If a candle wants to start tunneling there are some tricks that are easy to do.

First is hugging the candle, where you can wrap your hand around the outside of your candle and put gentle pressure on the outside, squeezing in. Be careful when doing this so as to not spill wax on yourself. The wax is very hot and will do some serious damage to your skin.

squeezing the sides in enough for the heat from the flame to start melting the tunnel.

Another method of hugging is just using your thumb or finger and pushing the edges in to the center, raising the pool of wax, to allow for 1/4" of the wick to stick out.

Press the sides in and down towards to wick evenly all the way around, while raising the pool of wax,
with out drowning the wick. Make sure to leave a 1/4" of wick above the pool of wax

Alternative method is adding more wax.  If you have wax drippings from a previously burned candle than you can add some pieces to the pool if it looks like it is starting to tunnel. Again, just add enough to bring the pool up so 1/4" of the wick is protruding.

Some people like the tunneling look of the glow of the flame behind a golden wall of beeswax. So if that's what you like than go for it. Just keep the shell of a candle and break it up to feed other candles so you don't waste any of the wax.

When you have decided that you have had enough, and want to extinguish the flame. It is recommended that you push the wick into the pool of wax to put out the flame, so to essentially wax the wick. After dunking the wick in the wax push back up to straighten out, and you will have a prewaxed wick to re-light.