Sunday, 31 March 2013


So yesterday was wicked beautiful out, sun shinning. Just beauty bod, had lots of good sun time today. Raked up all the twigs that the cedars dropped over the winter, top dressed the raised garden bed with some sheep manure, brushed all the loose hair off the dogs. just thrilled that it was so warm out, I fully enjoyed it. Got time to take some pictures of our seeds we have been starting in the collector room (the room that collects everything).

First up we have from Edible Antiques, Azoychka Tomato, Pirkstine Orange Tomato, and Moon and Stars Watermellon, This was our first time ordering from E.A. I'm not into writing reviews but delivery was fast, nice envelopes with good description.

Edible Antiques, I like the envelopes.

Then from The Cottage Gardener, we ordered new Sandul Moldovan Tomato, Little Finger Eggplant(I kid here it is), Some flowers Calendula, Heirloom Sunflower mix, Cardinal Climber, Sensation Mixed Cosmos.
From last year we are using King of the North Sweet Pepper, Five-Colour Silverbeet Swiss Chard. We also bought Organic Kelp Extract, we have a hard time finding any good fertilizers that aren't Scotts Miracle-gro brands in our area, so this will apparently make upto 255L.

and from last year or maybe the year before we have from Cubits Chadwick Cherry Toms, Bloomsdale Spinach and from Urban Harvest, Little Bells Pepper (which we saved seeds from last year) we couldn't find anybody who had them and were running low. and Vates Blue Curled Kale.

We have our small greenhouses heating up the soil in the raised garden beds to transplant house Kale, Chard, and Spinach. We took them out yesterday to harden off in the nice weather, today isn't as nice, hence why I am writing this.

Here they are with their packages.

I wanna thank these people also for the work that they do finding suppliers, collecting seeds, find sustainable organic and Heirloom Varieties. Cause its something that I would not want to do. I am happy to support them.

These are our planned plants for this season, we are getting quite the collection.

Sleepers, enjoying the weather. Guarding the Gnomes home.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

GreenShire Eco Farms

This is an attempt to reach out to another audience. Friends of mine have been struggling, and need some help. They run Greenshire Eco Farms in The Kawarthas, and practice Permaculture, sustainable growing techniques, Alternative Equine Education and Equine-assisted learning for Humans, and provide agri-tainment and educational workshops to the public, and a home for neglected and abused animals.
I have been on their farm numerous times, either late night bon-fires, visiting the horses, petting the pigs,  and taken their vegetables and eggs home for supper. They are a beautiful, vibrant group of characters, I wish them all the best and we will continue to support them any way we can and right now this is another way we can. Please follow them on Facebook Greenshie Eco Farms, they have organized a Crowd Funding Campaign looking for the kind hearts of other like minded individuals, to donate and or share and spread the word to help raise some funds at It Takes a Village to Save a Farm.

Thank you,

Scratches for "Ziggy Stardust"
Horses hanging out in their "Paddock Paradise"

Gloria likes treats.

Amelie, always a goofball.
Peace I'm out, now I really need to go get something done.


The Facebook is full of arm chair protests,

I post a lot about organic foods growing your own pesticide free food, buying local, supporting local businesses and trade. We try to eat as much "Organic" sustainable food as possible, we try and buy from local stores as much as possible, and we grow a bunch of food during the growing season, if we had a bigger back yard we would implement season extending practices. Once winter comes around its really difficult to always have fresh fruit and veg. I just can't justify buying tomatoes from Israel, or cucumbers from the Netherlands, when something pops up from Canada we snag up an arm load. which means Cucumbers with every meal or Tomato and Cucumber sandwiches a plenty which I can't really argue about they are delicious.

I don't know where I am going with this, just wanted to talk about myself I guess. maybe I will update this later.

peace out, gotta do stuff now.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Oh, Ahead

So, as I sit here in a coffee shop, listeing to spongebob on the TV hanging over my head, waiting for the work on my work truck to be complete. I have some time to write a post.

 We have sowed, watched and waited for the first batch of our veggies to develop, all but 6 pots have sprouted. We saved some pepper seeds "Little Bells" from last season, last spring we couldn't find any from the suppliers that we use. All of our own have sprouted which is awesome, can't wait they were good producers, we froze quite a few of them little buggers.

We ordered from The Cottage Gardener, we also ordered from Edible-Antiques.

We are trying a different variety of Tomatoes this year. Last year was kind of a let down with our Brandy-wines, though it was a shitty season altogether but we want something that isn't as prone to cat facing, and blossom end rot. We got another variety of Eggplant which produces more, but smaller fruit, which is alright (I am not that big a fan of those Aubergines).

Chard and Kale in the back.



Peace I am out......... doing stuff I am supposed to be doing.